Monday, June 12, 2017



The Lord has been taking good care of us here and making sure that we have been able to find plenty of people to teach. It has been a lot of fun! To start the week off, once preparation day ended on Monday we got out and we were walking around knocking doors and talking to people. The second door that we knocked on was a lady named D

awn and she let us teach her right there on her porch, we picked her up as an investigator! In the prayer that she said at the end of the lesson she said that she feels like us knocking on her door was a sign from God and that she needs to really listen to what we teach. I fully agree with her!

While we were on exchanges, Elder Bird was with me in our area and we had an appointment with someone but it ended up falling through. It was unfortunate because we put a lot of preparation into that lesson with the investigator and we weren't able to use it. So we stopped by a potential in the area, named Nancy, and we taught her instead! It was amazing, the Spirit was so strong as we talked about the Plan of Salvation with her. It was exactly what she needed to hear because her daughter died a while ago and her father is going to pass away soon as well. I have a very strong testimony that the promise in ​Doctrine and Covenants 100:6 that says: "For it shall be given you in the very hour, yea, in the very moment, what ye shall say." We hadn't necessarily planned to teach her that or to teach her anything but we did put forth our effort to prepare the best we could and because we did, the Spirit guided us to teach what Eva needed. I believe it works the same way with life and all that we do each day. If we sincerely prepare and do our best with the situation we are in, no matter what the outcome, the Lord will bless us to know what to do in that very hour.

On Saturday we were supposed to have dinner with a family in the ward but they couldn't end up doing it so they talked to another family in the ward to see if they could cover for them (it was meant to happen). So before we went to dinner we decided to knock doors by the member's house and the first door that we knocked on a guy named Matt answered. He immediately let us in to teach him. We had to leave in 10 minutes for dinner so we asked him if we could come back in an hour after dinner was over to continue teaching him and he said that we could. So we came back an hour later and he is so solid! He just went through a rough divorce and has been trying to recover from an alcohol addiction and has been looking for the true church that he can get baptized into. We had the best feeling about him, it was such a sweet miracle!

We had an awesome lesson with Eva and with her friend Beth (picked her up as an investigator) on the Plan of Salvation as well. At the end of the lesson we extended a baptism date to Eva for July 15 and she accepted and is preparing for that date! We're pumped!

Anyways, I hope y'all have a good week!!! Get that cake!!

-Elder Larson

1,2,3. Hammock swag on preparation day​

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